Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Have you been comparing options for replacing one or more missing teeth? Dental implants may be the best solution for you. Our periodontists in Boise and Meridian, ID, perform this procedure, allowing you to have a long-lasting tooth replacement that restores your smile. Let’s explore some commonly asked questions about this kind of treatment!

What Do Dental Implants Include?

Their exact parts can vary, depending on type. But they typically include the following components:

  • Post made of titanium or another material
  • Abutment or connecting piece that goes on the post
  • Crown, denture, or bridge as a dental restoration

What Happens During This Procedure?

Getting dental implants usually involves having a post carefully placed inside your jaw where the missing tooth was. You then need to wait until your jaw heals and the tissue around the post fuses to it. After healing, you’ll have the abutm

ent placed on the post. The last step is having the dental restoration, such as a crown, placed on the abutment.

Am I a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

If you’re at least 18, you might be able to get implants. It also depends on other factors, such as whether you smoke, have underlying health conditions, or have poor oral hygiene.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

They offer several advantages, such as lasting a long time and helping you chew and talk without difficulty. They also stop your teeth from shifting and your jaw from losing bone tissue.

Visit Us for Dental Implants!

Have you decided to have missing teeth replaced with dental implants in Boise or Meridian, ID? Our surgeons at Idaho Perio Center for Dental Implants and Laser Periodontal Therapy can handle this procedure so that your general dentist can fit you with an artificial tooth to boost your smile!

How Bad Habits Can Ruin Your Dental Implants

Getting dental implants in Boise, ID, will change your life! But do you know what you can and can’t do once you get them? Not knowing this information could ruin your dental implants and cost you a lot to fix them. So, pay close attention to this information and make sure you keep reading until the end.

Bad Habits That Will Ruin Your Dental Implants

There are certain things you must avoid when you first get your dental implants. Then, after your dental implants are firmly secured in your jawbone, there are certain bad habits you must avoid at all costs for the rest of your life.

What to Avoid Immediately After Getting Dental Implants

Your dentist in Boise, ID, will go over what you should and shouldn’t do when you first get your dental implants. But until then, here are the things you need to avoid (at least for a little while).

  • Hard, Crunchy, and Sticky Foods
  • Spicy Foods
  • Tough to Chew Foods
  • Acidic Fruits
  • Straws
  • Popcorn

It’s also important to remember to stay hydrated during your dental implant recovery period, chew carefully near the implant site, and don’t hesitate to contact your dentist if you notice something unusual or have done something that caused damage.

Bad Habits That Will Ruin Your Dental Implants

Now, here are some of the bad habits you will need to avoid for the rest of your life if you want to preserve your dental implants and avoid damaging them.

  • Smoking
  • Poor Oral Hygiene
  • Unhealthy Diet
  • Excessive Alcohol

Are You Looking for a Reputable Dentist in Boise, ID?

If you want to get dental implants or have damaged your existing implants, please Contact Idaho Perio Center for Dental Implants & Laser Periodontal Therapy today. We have a team of professionals who truly care about your oral health and will do whatever is necessary to help you preserve it!

Am I A Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth that’s surgically installed in the jaw. If you’re missing a permanent tooth, a dental implant can replace your tooth to make your smile whole again.

If you’re missing a permanent tooth and want to restore your mouth, your dentist in Boise and Meridian ID can help. At Idaho Perio Center for Dental Implants and Laser Periodontal Therapy, we provide dental implant installation to people who are missing permanent teeth.

Who Benefits From Dental Implants?

You can benefit from dental implant installation if you are missing a tooth and have a healthy jaw to support dental implant installation. People who have suffered from gum disease can lose volume and density in their jaw.

When this happens, dental implant installation may not work. You will need a healthy jaw to fuse to the dental implant to help ensure that your dental implant installation will be successful.

Who Can Get Dental Implants?

You may be a good candidate for dental implant installation if you have good oral hygiene habits, are missing a tooth, and you have a healthy jaw. Your dentist will evaluate your oral health to determine whether dental implants are a good option for you.

What If I’m Not a Good Candidate?

If you’re not a good candidate for dental implants, your dentist may be able to work with you to improve your chances of dental implant success. For example, if your jaw lacks volume, your dentist may be able to perform bone grafting surgery to boost volume before performing dental implant surgery.

Want to know more about dental implants in Boise and Meridian ID? Call today to make an appointment.

What the Heck Are All-on-X Dental Implants?

All-on-4 dental implants are extremely popular. But did you know you now have another option called all-on-x dental implants? You are probably wondering, “What the heck are all-on-x dental implants?” Your periodontist in Boise, ID, can go over all the details with you. But until then, let’s explain what all-on-x dental implants are.

What the Heck Are All-on-X Dental Implants?

All-on-xs are a new take on dental implants. They are like all-on-4s, except rather than using four implants, they use anywhere between four and 12 implants, depending on each person’s needs. So, in other words, all-on-x dental implants are customed to each person. But that’s not all; all-on-x dental implants are also implanted differently.

Keep reading to learn how all-on-x dental implants in Boise, ID, are placed and how they work.

How Do All-on-X Dental Implants Work?

The all-on-x process involves placing a customized number of implants into your jaw at an angle. Previously, implants were placed straight in the jawbone. However, the new method of placing them at an angle in your jawbone gives the implant a larger bone area, making them a much stronger foundation.

What Are the Benefits of All-on-X Dental Implants?

Here are the benefits you can look forward to if you decide to get all-on-x implants.

  • They are affordable.
  • They won’t affect your speech.
  • They are less invasive, so they heal quicker than other implants.
  • They don’t require bone grafting.
  • They will prevent bone and jawbone loss.
  • They don’t come with any dietary restrictions.
  • They look and feel just like your natural teeth.
  • They are made of high-quality materials that will last a long time.

Are You Looking for a Board Certified Periodontist in Boise, ID?

If you would like to get more information about all-on-x dental implants and find out if you are a good candidate for them, please Contact Idaho Perio Center for Dental Implants and Laser Periodontal Therapy to schedule an exam and consultation. We love creating new smiles!

How Long Do Dental Implants Take to Heal?

Dental implants have come a long way in the last few decades. With each new advancement, the rules change somewhat for the patient, which can make it difficult to get a straight answer when it comes to relatively basic questions. If you’re wondering how long it takes for dental implants to heal, we’ll look at the nuances of different procedures and how to make the right choice for you.

How Long to Heal After Dental Implants in Boise, ID

The standard dental implant procedure starts with an exam that determines the health of your bones, gums, and surrounding teeth. Once the dentist has determined that you’re a good candidate for the procedure, they’ll implant a metal post into the socket of your missing tooth and then affix a temporary tooth.

From there, you’ll usually wait several weeks for the post to fuse with the jaw bone before the permanent tooth is attached. The fusion, sometimes known as osseointegration, can take up to 9 months to fully complete, though the process is virtually undetectable for most patients.

Teeth in a Day

Standard dental implants have proven to be a safe and effective way to replace teeth, but there are new techniques that can restore your confidence with less recovery time. With Teeth in a Day, sometimes called All-on-4 or Same-Day Smile, a dentist in Boise can be more strategic when it comes to placing the implants. By relying on your natural body chemistry, you don’t need to wait as long to heal.

Find a Dentist in Boise

Teeth-in-a-Day in Boise, ID will usually involve several implants to replace a full arch of teeth. If you’re interested in how it works and how it can work for you, contact the staff at Idaho Perio Center for Dental Implants and Laser Periodontal Therapy to schedule an appointment!


What Are All On Four Implants?

A healthy mouth should have all its teeth. Having all your teeth is important for chewing, talking, and smiling. If you’re missing several teeth, or if your teeth are unhealthy and need to be extracted, you could find everyday activities like eating and talking to friends to be challenging.

Your dentist in Meridian, ID, can help. Dental tools like all-on-four implants can restore whole arches of teeth, giving you a beautiful smile and restoring your ability to talk and chew properly.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

A single dental implant is a post surgically inserted into the jaw. Each implant has a dental crown on top, so it looks like a very realistic natural tooth. Dental implants are installed through a series of procedures performed at the dental office.

How Are All On Four Implants Different from Single Implants?

All on four implants are implants designed to replace an entire arch of teeth, supported by four implants inserted into the jaw. In this way, all on four implants are similar to dentures because they can replace many teeth at once. However, all on four implants are different from dentures in a key way: they are firmly affixed to posts that have been inserted into the jaw and cannot slip off.

Who Needs All On Four Implants?

You’re a good candidate for all on four dental implants in Meridian, ID, if you have a healthy jaw bone and need to replace an arch of teeth. At Idaho Perio Center for Dental Implants and Laser Periodontal Therapy, we can help you determine if all on four implants are suitable for you. Call today to make an appointment and learn more about this important type of dental tool.

3 Benefits of Dental Implants

If you need to replace a missing tooth, dental implants are the number one choice fordentists in Boise, ID. We’ll look at their benefits over the alternatives and tell you more about where you can find them.

1. Dental Implants Are Strong 

Dental implants start at the jaw bone, just like your teeth do. So, while they’re not indestructible, they may be able to handle the pressure. With a dental implant, you can expect it to stand up to everything from crunchy foods to trauma. This reduces hassle and can be a smarter financial decision (because you’re less likely to end up at the dentist for repairs).

2. Dental Implants Last 

The metal post in your jaw will fuse to the bone, giving you a permanent solution to a missing tooth. The crown used on a dental implant in Boise, ID, can last up to 30 years. You may never need it replaced if you care for it. Plus, if you do, the procedure is usually as simple as replacing the crown instead of replacing the implant.

3. Dentists in Boise, ID, See Great Results

The more space you have in your mouth, the more likely you will have dental issues. The other teeth may shift to fill the gap, or keeping bacteria out will be more difficult because it will find a home inside the missing area. While bridges and partial dentures are a great alternative if your jaw bone isn’t healthy enough for the procedure, they’re not as dependable as dental implants.

To learn more about the procedure, the Idaho Perio Center for Dental Implants and Laser Periodontal Therapy staff can tell you more. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.

Can Dental Implants Be Done in One Day?

Many patients delay dental procedures for a variety of reasons. In some cases, the problems are based on fear and anxiety. In others, the problems are more practical. If a dentist recommended dental implants to you and you’ve been putting it off, we’ll look at whether you can get the procedure done in one day so you can knock it off your to-do list once and for all.

Dental Implants in a Day

Whether you have one tooth or several teeth missing, it’s possible to get dental implants completed in a single day. Immediate-load dental implants can replace the space with a crown to fill out your smile and make it easier to talk and chew normally. Thanks to the latest laser periodontal therapies, you can also ensure the general health of the rest of your mouth. The key is to see a dentist who has invested in the right technology.

Are You Eligible for Dental Implants?

It’s worth noting that most patients are eligible for dental implants, though it won’t be the right procedure for everyone. Dental implants require your jaw to be healthy enough to place a metal post inside of it. While it’s a generally low-risk procedure, a dentist in Boise, ID, will still need to assess both the bone and your general health before green-lighting you for the procedure.

Teeth in a Day in Boise, ID

If you’re looking for same-day dental implants in Boise, ID, that will streamline your schedule, contact the Idaho Perio Center for Dental Implants and Laser Periodontal Therapy. We can tell you more about the success rates of the procedure, how it works, and what your individual risk factors are. No matter what you decide, we’re here to make it easier for you to restore your smile.

Can Dental Implants Be Done With Periodontal Disease?

Dental implants have become a popular and effective resolution for missing teeth. In Boise, ID, dental implants have successfully been done for hundreds of dental patients in the area. This dental treatment not only helps patients feel more confident about their appearance, but it can alleviate secondary problems, such as jaw bone deterioration and lack of adequate nutrition.

However, it’s important to recognize that dental implants involve oral surgery. Like any other type of surgery, part of the overall success depends upon the health of the patient. Factors such as poor underlying health can impact the prognosis and make the recovery period take longer than expected. One of the most common underlying conditions with dental implant candidates is the existence of periodontal disease.

The Irony of Periodontal Disease

Untreated periodontal disease can cause tooth loss, which is why a dental patient would need dental implants in the first place. But the irony is that those who have ongoing periodontal disease are less likely to be able to have a successful dental implants prognosis. This is due to the unhealthy condition of the gum tissue, combined with the degradation of the jaw bone.

This underlying condition may negatively impact the stability and long-term success of dental implants. This is why patients who have advanced periodontal disease often need to get bone grafting or tissue regeneration treatment before they can get dental implants, in order to build a strong foundation for the implants.

Your dentist in Boise, ID will do a comprehensive assessment prior to dental implants in order to determine your eligibility for dental implants. In most cases, the periodontal disease needs to be resolved first, so that the dental implants have the best chances of succeeding. Contact us to book your consultation today and find out if you are a good candidate for dental implants.

5 Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants can provide several advantages for your everyday life. If you have missing or badly damaged teeth, this treatment could be right for you. This dental device consists of three parts: a metal post, abutment, and crown. After the post is inserted into your jawbone, the abutment is attached. Lastly, the crown is connected to the abutment, giving you an artificial tooth that looks just like the real thing!

Keep reading to learn even more about the benefits of dental implants.

Improved appearance

Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth. That said, they can do wonders for your appearance. In fact, when people look at you, they won’t even notice you have implants. You don’t have to worry about showing your missing, discolored, or damaged teeth any longer!

Do you think this treatment could be right for you? If so, reach out to Idaho Perio Center for Dental Implants and Laser Periodontal Therapy today for reliable dental implants in Boise, ID!

Effective treatment

Dental implants lead to amazing results. This is a very common procedure for providers, making the process smooth and stress-free. You may even be able to stay awake for the entire treatment. After the surgery, you may have some discomfort, but this typically doesn’t last very long.

Keeps a healthy jawbone

Dental implants can also be beneficial for the health of your jawbone! This happens because bone actually grows around the implant, which stimulates the jawbone and provides a strong hold.

Simple to maintain

Compared to dentures and other tooth replacement options, dental implants are very easy to maintain. In fact, you can take care of your implants the same way you care for regular teeth!

Enhanced chewing ability

While dental implants replace missing or severely damaged teeth, this can drastically improve your ability to chew. This means you can eat those foods you haven’t had in years! Having this enhanced chewing ability can improve your everyday life.

Want to work with the top periodontist in Boise, ID? Contact us today to make an appointment!