3 Benefits of Dental Implants

If you need to replace a missing tooth, dental implants are the number one choice fordentists in Boise, ID. We’ll look at their benefits over the alternatives and tell you more about where you can find them.

1. Dental Implants Are Strong 

Dental implants start at the jaw bone, just like your teeth do. So, while they’re not indestructible, they may be able to handle the pressure. With a dental implant, you can expect it to stand up to everything from crunchy foods to trauma. This reduces hassle and can be a smarter financial decision (because you’re less likely to end up at the dentist for repairs).

2. Dental Implants Last 

The metal post in your jaw will fuse to the bone, giving you a permanent solution to a missing tooth. The crown used on a dental implant in Boise, ID, can last up to 30 years. You may never need it replaced if you care for it. Plus, if you do, the procedure is usually as simple as replacing the crown instead of replacing the implant.

3. Dentists in Boise, ID, See Great Results

The more space you have in your mouth, the more likely you will have dental issues. The other teeth may shift to fill the gap, or keeping bacteria out will be more difficult because it will find a home inside the missing area. While bridges and partial dentures are a great alternative if your jaw bone isn’t healthy enough for the procedure, they’re not as dependable as dental implants.

To learn more about the procedure, the Idaho Perio Center for Dental Implants and Laser Periodontal Therapy staff can tell you more. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.